Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sorry to all who read this, but I'll be taking a short break from this blog. There was a death in the family and there's a lot of fun stuff that goes along with that, and it'll be taking up most of my time. In the mean time, there are plenty of other great LotRO blogs out there, check out the list on the right. I'll be back when I can.


  1. Sorry to hear that. Take care.

  2. My condolences to you and your family.

  3. The starcraft 2 interests me so much that I will attend the GSL, a starcraft 2 match . The starcraft 2 wallpapers look so amazing.

  4. Urmarind cateva reguli de baza ne putem imbraca in culorile pe care le adoram, care ne reflecta personalitatea sau felul in care ne simtim. Desi se spune ca regulile sunt facute pentru a fi incalcate, ca fiecare se poate exprima liber in alegerile vestimentare, aceste sfaturi sunt pentru cei care intampina dificultati in combinarea culorile.

    Gold für WOW
    Gold für World of Warcraft
